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He Jing-han is a 5th generation Bagua Quan master. He spent more than 20 years living with and studying under Master Gong Bao Zhai. Master He was secretary to the Republic of China Martial Arts Association and former military professional. At the age of 15, He Jing-han started studying Yang style Taiji Quan but after 6 or 7 years came to a standstill and stopped improving. Then one day, when he was 23, he was introduced to Master Gong Bao Zhai and began to specialize in Bagua Quan. Master Gong Bao Zhai had inherited the Bagua Quan system from his teacher Grandmaster Gong Bao Tien , a direct disciple of Grandmaster Yin Fu. He Jing-han became a disciple of Master Gong at the age of 24. From then on his masters home became the same as his own. He went in and out freely, ate there, slept there, mopped the floor, washed the dishes and put out the rubbish. This was all natural for the master-disciple relationship. For 23 years he studied this way until his teachers death. He Jing-han now focuses his attentions on the cultivation of the arts and the promotion of the Bagua Daoyin. | ※ 何靜寒,祖籍河南,父母於1949年隨軍來台,落腳高雄,定居台北※ ※ 民國1955年1月9日生於高雄碼頭※ ※ 初中有志於文學創作,醉心小說及散文,高中仍創作不輟,退稿等身,但其中佳作亦散見於校刊及報章雜誌;畢業後從戎而未投筆,續又參加「耕莘文藝寫作班」及「軍中文藝寫作班」,民國65年以「飛塵蔽空」一文入選「幼獅文藝」主辦之「全國青年散文選」,是最為「偉大」的創作記憶※ ※ 1973年入伍後,說時遲,那時快,鑼響三聲,已於民國1994年以中校官階退伍,其間起落,有如南柯一夢※ 憶軍中生涯,曾獲甄選保送「交通大學」電子工程系旁聽四年;上尉時曾鑒於國軍「電子戰」資訊貧乏,乃獨力以兩年公餘時間,英譯「國軍電子戰專有名詞辭典」;擔任「警備學校」電子戰課程教官三年,兼任「中華民國國術會」秘書三年;企劃製作公共電視節目「國術天地」節目;協助創辦「力與美」國術月刊;參予辦理世界性國術比賽等、、、,二十年軍旅,多采多姿,學習成長,從無間斷※ ※退役後擔任「傳神視聽有限公司」企劃整合之職,創製多種教學錄影帶, 如「太極拳」「八卦拳」之武術系列,「中國式運動」之親子篇、銀髮族、 上班族運動,「功夫韻律操」之女子防身術等,對武術普及化甚有經驗。 ※ 回顧過往,其最特殊而重要之學習,乃屬「武學」,自16歲學習「楊式太極拳」起,即食髓知味而樂此不疲,民國1979年(24歲)正式拜「八卦拳」嫡系傳人宮寶齋先生為師後,更得中國「文武合一」教育之旨趣以及人體「身心開發」之精微,自此以「八卦拳」為自勝入道之門戶; 前半生有意無意的經歷,竟是後半生有為無為的準備,「修己安人,止於至善」是中國武者的理想,也是我自勵的目標※ ※曾出版「八卦拳基礎」與「八卦導引」二書 |