HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei Linear form 八掌拳 (Bā zhǎng quán) with movement names as subtitles and transcript
Category: Linear form 八掌拳
20190726 Linear form 八掌拳(Bā zhǎng quán) Red Phoenix Faces the Sun 丹鳳朝陽 (dān fèng zhāoyáng)
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. Linear form 八掌拳(Bā zhǎng quán) Red Phoenix Faces the Sun 丹鳳朝陽 (dān fèng zhāoyáng) 20190726
20180607 Prague 2018 Linear form 八掌拳 review_2 from heart to back
BaguaQuan retreat in Prague 2018 HeJingHan teaching. Linear form 八掌拳 review 2nd part from heart to back
20180607 Prague 2018 Linear form 八掌拳 review_ 6 from Liver to Kidney to Belly and close
HeJingHan Baguaquan teaching Prague Retreat 2018 Linear form 八掌拳 review_ 6 from Liver to Kidney to Belly and close
20180607 Prague 2018 Linear form 八掌拳 review_3 from back to waist
BaguaQuan HeJingHan teaching, Prague 2018 Linear form 八掌拳 review_3 from back to waist
20180607 Prague 2018 Linear form 八掌拳 review_1 from start to heart
The very first part hand work without steps. Starting to heartCheck the hand movements especially when have to turn the palm https://youtu.be/WtNiMax6GZ8 more about hands https://youtu.be/_KjfLtNi20Y lets see this first part with steps https://youtu.be/6JmCC7S9BRo https://youtu.be/febhHCBhFHU an important point for the step, toe lead forward https://youtu.be/Tfhqysm1-gU lets see again the movement with steps https://youtu.be/9Tm9ZqtHUos
20180607 Prague 2018 Linear form 八掌拳 review_ 5 from Lung to Liver
HeJingHan BaguaQuan teaching retreat in Prague 2018. This post is dealing from the end of Lung to the end of Liver, with many details and application of the nice parts of the Liver movements in the Linear form 八掌拳
20180607 Prague 2018 Linear form 八掌拳 review_ 4 from Waist thru Head to Lung
BaguaQuan Linear form 八掌拳 waist to head movements, 8 trigram based force explanations, application examples by Master HeJingHan
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