HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. 20200118 double kick clarification, and basic exercises towards it
Category: Kicks
20200104 Pull up the knee and bounce
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. 20200104 Pull up the knee and bounce
20191214 The ten steps form, and other kick details 實步拳的十步 (Shí bù quán de shí bù)
The ten steps and other kick details 實步拳的十步 (Shí bù quán de shí bù) HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei.
20190803 Low kick practice and application 低踢腿 (Dī tī tuǐ)
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. Low kick practice and application 低踢腿 (Dī tī tuǐ)
20190720 Two steps and the whirlwind kick 擺腿-掛腿-旋風腿 (bǎi tuǐ-guà tuǐ-xuànfēng tuǐ), use the right force
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. Two steps and the whirlwind kick 擺 扣旋風
20190720 The two feet kick 二起腳 (èr qǐ jiǎo )
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. The two feet kick 二起腳 (èr qǐ jiǎo )
20190608 Forward kick and kick variations
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei.Forward kick and kick variations
20190601 Sweeping the Hall Leg 掃堂腿 sǎo táng tuǐ
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching Taipei. Sweeping the Hall Leg 掃堂腿 sǎo táng tuǐ
20190601 擺蓮腿 Bǎi lián tuǐ swinging legs details, the upper body and legs connection
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching Taipei. 擺蓮腿 Bǎi lián tuǐ swinging legs details, the upper body and legs connection
20190525 擺蓮腿 swinging legs
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching Taipei. 擺蓮腿 swinging legs
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