HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei.Forward kick and kick variations
Category: -08. Technics and to check
20190608 Side curved hit 圈打(quān dǎ), and slap 拍或巴掌(Pāi huò bāzhang) practice
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. Side curved hit 圈打(quān dǎ), and slap 拍或巴掌(Pāi huò bāzhang) practice
20190601 Sweeping the Hall Leg 掃堂腿 sǎo táng tuǐ
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching Taipei. Sweeping the Hall Leg 掃堂腿 sǎo táng tuǐ
20190601 擺蓮腿 Bǎi lián tuǐ swinging legs details, the upper body and legs connection
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching Taipei. 擺蓮腿 Bǎi lián tuǐ swinging legs details, the upper body and legs connection
Prague 2018 Bagua sword 八卦劍 ( bāguà jiàn) basics 1
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching . Prague 2018 Bagua sword 八卦劍 ( bāguà jiàn) basics 1
20190525 擺蓮腿 swinging legs
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching Taipei. 擺蓮腿 swinging legs
20190525 Practice in pairs some basic hit and defense
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching Taipei. Practice in pairs some basic hit and defense Sit or knee down, at distance that can not reach each other The defender give force, as defend the attacker hand release and can move other side immediately
20190519 Defend, jump and hit, the 劈砸 (Pī zá) movement
HeJingHan BaguaQuan teaching Taipei. Defend, jump and hit the 劈砸 (Pī zá) movement
20190511 Basic movements with 八卦刀片段 Bagua broad sword
Basic movements with 八卦刀片段 Bagua broad sword
20190511 The body is stable during kicking hitting 4 limb rule
The body is stable during kicking hitting 4 limb rule
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