BaguaQuan, Baguazhang and Yang style Taichiquan Teaching at Taiwan. 【Fundamental Techniques】Practice fast hands Both eyes and hands should be quick to find openings
Category: -07 Practice in pairs
20200725 structure exercises, in pairs and against the tree
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei.
20200725 structure exercises, in pairs and against the tree
20200411 the blind donkey game
20200411 the blind donkey game HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei.
20200328 Move with the opponent, how to change
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei.
20200328 Move with the opponent, how to change
20200104 Three hand exercise 三手練習 (Sān shǒu liànxí)
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei.
20200104 Three hand exercise 三手練習 (Sān shǒu liànxí)
20190627 Keep the line and extend … against Qinna/ChiNa
Keep the line and extend ... against Qinna/ChiNa HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching 2019 Prague, BaguaQuan retreat
20190625 Basic Qinna
Basic Qinna 20190625 HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching 2019 Prague, BaguaQuan retreat
20190608 Side curved hit 圈打(quān dǎ), and slap 拍或巴掌(Pāi huò bāzhang) practice
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei.
Side curved hit 圈打(quān dǎ), and slap 拍或巴掌(Pāi huò bāzhang) practice
20190525 Practice in pairs some basic hit and defense
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, BaguaZhang Teaching Taipei.
Practice in pairs some basic hit and defense
Sit or knee down, at distance that can not reach each other
The defender give force, as defend the attacker hand release and can move other side immediately
20150328 Piercing palm exercise 穿掌練習 (chuān zhǎng liànxí) Prague
Piercing palm exercise 穿掌練習 (chuān zhǎng liànxí) Prague 20150328
HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei./Prague
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