--01. Jin system, -01. foundation, arms, Baguaquan, Chinese 中文, dang襠 crotch/bridge, English 英文, MaBu (horse stance)騎馬步, wrist elbow shoulder rotate

20210313 The basic forces, open the joint elongate and twist, and more basic must for BGQ

HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. 20210313 The basic forces, open the joint elongate and twist, and more basic must for BGQ The curves must be stretched, just that way will use the jin ... The basic pushing palm... The MaBu (horse stance)騎馬步, explanation. the forces Wusu walk and walk ideas Dang strengthening practice in close stand.

-05 Circle walking and 8MP 推掌 和 八母掌式, 1 Lion Palm 獅子掌 ( shi zi zhang ), 1 Lying Palm 臥掌 (wo zhang), 2 Back Body Palm 背身掌 (bei shen zhang), 2 Embracing Palm 抱掌 (bao zhang), 3 Supporting Palm ping tuo zhang 平托掌, 3 Windmill Palm 風輪掌 (feng lun zhang), 4 Flowing Palm 順勢掌 (shun shi zhang ), 4 Reversing Body Palm fan shen zhang 翻身掌, Baguaquan, Chinese 中文, EXTERNAL FOUR PALMS, INTERNAL FOUR PALMS, Pushing palm 推掌式

20210227 The pushing palm and the eight mother palm with rotation around the body center

HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. 20210227 The pushing palm and the eight mother palm with rotation around the body center

-01. foundation, Bagua pole 棍 Gùn, Bagua sword 八卦劍, Baguaquan, Chinese 中文, English 英文, spear 槍, weapons

20201212 sword, spear and pole basic movement, focus on the wrist and elbow

HeJingHan BaguaQuan, Baguazhang Teaching Taipei. 20201212 sword, spear and pole basic movement, focus on the wrist and elbow Demonstration, JIN usage explanation, corrections, play in pairs. additional exercise with rope. After the griping practice, do not forget to stretch the hand, see below how.